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Summary Magazine 112 year 2024

January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December 

Fire in a dormitory in Kralupy nad Vltavou

In January 2024, a fire in the area of ​​a dormitory in Kralupy nad Vltavou was reported to the emergency call center 112 of the Fire Rescue Brigade of the Central Bohemian Region. Fires in buildings intended for housing a large number of people are always very challenging for firefighters and also rescued persons. Thanks to the outbreak of the fire outside the apartment unit, the timely detection of the fire, sufficient forces and means and a short arrival time, there were no losses of life. 29 people were transported to alternative accommodation.

P. 8

Tactical exercise: DESTRUCTION 2024

From April to June, tactical exercises called "DESTRUCTION 2024" took place in various parts of the Central Bohemian Region. There were six exercises in total and their topic was a similar emergency – ​​an explosion in a multi-storey abandoned building. The goal was a realistic exercise of the joint intervention of the bodies of the integrated rescue system in the conditions of a collapsed building. Interventions of this type are among the most complex in terms of safety, as there is always the risk of another building collapse, so any activity in such an environment is very dangerous. A large number of firefighters, police and paramedics, as well as assistants, cooperated together on the exercises, which were very realistic and demanding.

P. 12

Fire trailer for the population protection units of the volunteer fire units of municipalities

In the fall of 2023, the Ústí nad Labem region handed over special fire trailers with specific equipment for the emergency survival of people to the volunteer fire units of the municipality of Stebno, the town of Krásná Lípa and the town of Košťany that are predeterminated to perform tasks for the population protection. The trailers are intended for use at the scene of an emergency for the affected population, or as a support for the intervening bodies of the integrated rescue system.

P. 23

I know and I can help myself - online competition for elementary schools

The Fire Rescue Brigade of the Pilsen Region has prepared a knowledge competition "I know and I can help myself" in the territory of Tachov for pupils of the 1st-5th grades of elementary schools. It was based on the topic of human protection during emergencies. The competition was scheduled for five weeks. Every week on Monday, a question was sent to the teacher's contact e-mail, who answered it on behalf of the school team by Friday of the same week. 42 classes from 15 elementary schools with a total number of 760 children participated in the competition. Based on positive responses, the second year was also announced. The competition has already spread to other areas of the Pilsen region.

P. 32

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