Human Resources Management
- Human Resources Management Section
- Office of the Director General of the FRS CR
- Human Resources Division
- Public Relations and Legislation Division
- Educational and Training Institution of the FRS CR
Human Resources Management Section
Office of the Director General of the Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic (hereinafter referred to as „FRS CR“), Human Resources Division (Human Resources and Education Department; Work and Salary Department), Public Relations and Legislation Division (Legislation and Duty Proceedings Department, Legal and Administrative Proceedings Department, Structural Funds Department and Editorial Department)
- Human Resources Management Section
- Office of the Director General of the FRS CR
- Human Resources Division
- Public Relations and Legislation Division
- School and Training Institution of the FRS CR
Deputy Director General for Human Resources Management: col. Mgr. Josef Slavík
- tel: +420 950 819 210
- fax: +420 950 819 599
Human Resources Management section of the Director General of the FRS CR ensures the organization and coordination of activities of the Ministry of Interior – Directorate General of FRS CR (hereinafter referred to as „Directorate General“), including the agendas in the field of human resources area, education, law, public relations, information and international cooperation. The section is divided to the Office of the Director General of the FRS CR, Personnel Division and Public Relations and Legislation Division.
Office of the Director General of the FRS CR
Head of Department: Vlastimil Studený
- tel: +420 950 819 770
- fax: +420 950 819 960
The Office of the Director General of the FRS CR is responsible for the organization and coordination of the activities connected with the position of the Director General and implementation of his decisions, including relevant administrative procedures. It is also responsible for the coordination of creating the analytic and conception documents, ensuring the protection of classified information, file service and maintains the agenda of filing and complaints. It ensures media activities, web presentations and fulfilling the tasks under the Act. N. 106/1999 Sb., on free access to information, maintains the agenda connected with activity and scale of authority of the CTIF Czech national committee and ensures the duty of the CTIF secretary.
Human Resources Division
Human Resources Division fulfils the tasks in the field of personnel work and education. It is divided to the Human Resources and Education Department and the Department of Work and Salary. The Division ensures the personnel agenda of the members/employees in referred field of the FRS CR, especially ensures the social needs of the members/employees a curative stays of the members in referred field of the FRS CR, processes the systemization of working positions for members/employees of whole FRS CR. It also ensures the educational conception of members/employees of the FRS CR and the entire educational system, maintains the payroll agenda and employee social security agenda, directs the salary policy including its implementation within the FRS CR, manages and directs the manner of processing the salaries, manages and implements the records in its area and ensures other agenda related to payroll or pension agenda.
Public Relations and Legislation Division
Director of the Public Relations and Legislation Division: col. doc. JUDr. František Vavera , Ph.D., LL.M.
- tel.: +420 950 819 408
- fax: +420 950 819 599
- mail:
Public Relations and Legislation Division fulfils the tasks in the field of law, legislation, preparing and issuing internal regulations of the Director General of the FRS CR, preparation of projects co-financed from the EU funds, issuing the press materials and publications and participates in the media support of the FRS CR activity. It is divided to Legal and Administrative Proceedings Department, Legislative and Duty Proceedings Department, Structural Funds Department and Editorial Department.
Educational and Training Institution of the FRS CR
Educational and Training Institution of the FRS CR is an educational institution of the DG FRS CR in the field of Fire Protection and Integrated Rescue System. It fulfils especially these tasks:
- organizes and processes courses for acquisition and extension of professional competence, specialization and retraining courses, conferences and seminars for the FRS CR, Fire Protection units and Integrated Rescue System components,
- creates learning and methodological instruments for the education,
- contributes on ensuring the physical preparation and professional competence in the framework of FRS CR and Fire Protection units.
Two educational centres located in Brno and Frýdek-Místek are belonging under the Educational and Training Institution of the FRS CR.