Primary mission of the Fire Rescue Service of CR is to protect life, health and property of citizens against fire, and to provide effective help in emergencies. Fire Rescue Service of CR is one of the basic bodies of the Integrated Rescue System, which has been operating with new structure since 1st January 2001.
Under the Act No. 320/2015 Coll. on Fire Rescue Service of CR and on certain regulations, new organisational structure had been established and the basic tasks had been determined.
The Directorate General of FRS CR manages Regional Fire Rescue Services, which are organisational bodies of the state, accounting entities, and administrative authorities; and the Emergency Unit of FRS CR, which is an organisational body of the state and an accounting entity.
The Directorate General of Fire Rescue Service of CR fulfils tasks of the Ministry of Interior, which is the central body of state administration for fire protection, crisis management, civil emergency planning and population protection.
Fire Rescue Service of CR fulfils tasks in the scope and under conditions determined by specific legal regulations, mainly by:
• Act No. 133/1985 Coll. on fire protection, as amended
• Act No. 320/2015 Coll. on the Fire Rescue Service of CR and on the modification of certain codes, as amended
• Act No. 239/2000 Coll. on the Integrated Rescue System and on the modification of certain codes, as amended
• Act No. 240/2000 Coll. on Emergency Management and on the modification of certain codes (Crisis Code), as amended
Tasks of Fire Rescue Service of CR are fulfilled by members of the Fire Rescue Service of CR (in service employment), and by other employees.
Director General of the Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic
Lieutenant-General Vladimír Vlček, Ph.D., MBA

District Public Fire Unit Gottwaldov
Regional Public Fire Unit Ostrava
Head of the Regional Fire Protection Inspectorate of the North Moravia Region
Head of the Fire Rescue Service of Ostrava City
1993 - 1995
Senior Fire Protection Counsellor of the Czech Republic and Head
of the Central Administration
of the Fire Protection Service of the Czech Republic
1995 – 2000
Deputy Director of the Fire Rescue Service of Ostrava City
2001 – 2016
Deputy Director of the Fire Rescue Service of Moravian-Silesian Region
Director of the Fire Rescue Service of Moravian-Silesian Region
Director General of the Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic
He was born in the 1961. He is married and he has three children.
As a member of rescue units, he participated in several humanitarian missions, both in the Czech Republic and abroad. For example, he was a commander of evaluation and coordination team of the EU Monitoring and Information Centre after the devastating earthquake and tsunami in Japan. He also participated during the humanitarian crisis operation in Jordan or missions in Namibia and Tajikistan.
He emphasises on the development of cooperation with the voluntary firefighters, with whom he worked four years before he started his professional career at the Fire Rescue Service.
I promise with my full credit and conscience that in performing of my duties I will always be unbiased and I will thoroughly keep the legal and service regulation and rules, I will execute commands and instructions of my superiors, and I will never misuse my official status. Every time and every place I will behave in such a way I would not compromise credit of our safety corps. I will duly and thoroughly perform my official duties, and I will not hesitate do that even with taking my life in protection of the interests of the Czech Republic.
Firefighters‘ oath of office