Ministry of the interior of the Czech Republic  


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European Union

In the area of civil protection the Civil Emergency Preparedness and Strategies Division fulfils the tasks of representing the Czech Republic, especially within the framework of the Council of the EU and the European Commission and in cooperation with the Permanent Representation of the Czech Republic to the EU ensures joint procedures of the relevant central administrative authorities of the Czech Republic. Within the Ministry of the Interior the Czech Republic coordinates tasks related to the membership of the Czech Republic in the EU and fulfils the tasks resulting from the EU documents in the field of civil protection. It processes the required outputs, e.g. answers to EU questionnaires, materials for the meetings, documents, opinions, positions and mandates of the Czech Republic. At the same time it ensures the position of the European Critical Infrastructure Protection Program Contact Point at the international level. 

  1. Activities within the Council of the EU
  2. Activities within the European Commission

In the Council of the EU the civil protection issues are addressed in the Working Party on Civil Protection ("PROCIV"). The aim of this working party is to improve civil emergency preparedness at national, European and international level. Individual EU Member States alternately chair this working party. The term of holding the Presidency takes six months and the Member States exercise it on the basis of the principle of equality and rotation (Council Decision on the order of the Presidency). The PROCIV meeting is attended by representatives of the Civil Emergency Preparedness and Strategies Division.

Within the Council of the EU the Civil Emergency Preparedness and Strategies Division also has the function of co-gestor in the Civilian Aspects of Crisis Management Committee (CIVCOM). Close cooperation is also set with the Working Party on Humanitarian Aid and Food Aid (COHAFA), Working Party on Consular Affairs (COCON), Working Party on Health and Food Safety (SANTE) and the European External Action Service (EEAS).

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