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Security research

  • Security Research
  • Chemical Protection
  • Radiation and biological protection
  • Alert and Warning Notifications
  • Individual and collective protection
  • Certification of methodologies
  • GIS

Security Research

Security research is a distinctive agenda on a border between scientists and security policy. The current definition formulated by the European Security Research Advisory Board places security research at the intersection of the environmental, economic and social context of sustainable development.

Security research means research, development and innovation activities aimed at identifying, preventing and preparing and protecting against illegal acts or unanimous intentional harm to the (European) community, human beings, organizations or structures, tangible and intangible assets and infrastructure, including operational continuity after such action and mitigation of its consequences (also applicable in case of natural disasters and industrial accidents).

In conditions of the Czech Republic, security research is understood mainly as scientific research and experimentation focused to achieve additional knowledge, technical and technological level that enables the Czech Republic to acquire, maintain and develop specific capabilities to ensure security of the state and its inhabitants. It realizes a causal relationship between successful research and material and technical and technological prosperity.

Security research has an interdisciplinary character of technical, exact, natural, medical and social sciences with relations to the long-standing needs of security and protection of the state; includes an innovative environment enabling efficient, effective and fast acquisition, transfer and practical use of knowledge and modern materials and intangible technologies.

The Institute of Population Protection is a specialized security research capacity of the Czech Republic established by the Ministry of Interior - the General Directorate of the Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic. It ensures the implementation, organization and coordination of research, development and innovative support for protection of the population.

In the security research system, the Population Protection Institute has a specific position:

  • It acts as the creator that ensured construction of security research and its institutional support in a structure of the Ministry of Interior, influences setting of regular rules of security research, as it is common in other areas of research in the Czech Republic.
  • He significantly contributes to the professional performance of security research in solving his projects

Key documents relevant from the point of view of security research:

  • Reform of research, development and innovation system in the Czech Republic;
  • Interdepartmental concept of international cooperation in research and development of the Czech Republic until 2015
  • Interdepartmental concept of security research and development of the Czech Republic until 2015;
  • National policy of research, development and innovation of the Czech Republic for the years 2009 to 2015
  • National priorities for oriented research, experimental development and innovation;
  • National policy of research, development and innovation of the Czech Republic for the years 2016 to 2020
  • Interdepartmental concept of support for security research in the Czech Republic 2017-2023 with a view to 2030.

Chemical Protection

Chemical Protection

Main tasks:

  • scientific-research activity focused on development of chemical survey and laboratory control within the Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic and chemical measures for the population protection;
  • pedagogical activity focused on chemical measures

Scientific research activity

Aim of scientific-research activity:

  • development of methods and means of detection, characterization, identification and determination of dangerous substances, including chemical warfare substances in case of their uncontrolled release into the environment or terrorist abuse;
  • interpretation of measured data focused on recommendations for minimizing or eliminating the consequences of leakage.

Focus of scientific research activities:

In accordance with needs of ensuring chemical safety of the Czech Republic, the population and intervening units of the fire service in event of an accidental leakage or terrorist abuse of a dangerous chemical substance, including a chemical warfare agent, scientific research is focused on 4 areas:

1. Means and procedures of chemical research and field analysis
2. Development of laboratory methods for analysis of hazardous chemicals
3. Development and verification of detoxification substances, means and methods
4. Minimizing consequences of abuse of highly toxic substances in public objects

Objectives of scientific research activity:

  • Research of sampling procedures and means.
  • Modernization of a mobile chemical laboratory.
  • Validation and elaboration of methods for identification and determination of chemical warfare and other dangerous substances using the instrumentation of the Institute of Population Protection and chemical laboratories of regional fire brigades.
  • Development and elaboration of methods for identification of special analytes.
  • Research into procedures for the identification of flammable liquids in samples from the fire site as potential combustion accelerators in context of the fire causes investigation.
  • Research into methods for determining the effectiveness of decontamination mixtures and methods on surfaces contaminated with chemical warfare agents and procedures for determining their degradation effectiveness.
  • Research of methods and principles of population protection in abuse of chemical warfare agents in public objects.
  • Task provision and development of the accredited chemical laboratory in accordance with ČSN 17025.

Development of chemical survey in the Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic

  • development of simple tests for detection, resolution and characterization of selected groups of hazardous substances in field conditions;
  • applications of use of hazardous substances detectors;
  • testing and expanding possibilities of using analysers of hazardous substances by creating libraries and self-calibration.

Development of laboratory control in the Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic

  • a unique set of methods for analysis of chemical warfare agents by biochemical reaction, photometry, extraction spectrophotometry, potentiometry, volumetric analysis, gas, liquid and thin layer chromatography, infrared and mass spectrometry;
  • continuous addition of own software "Methodology of photometric determination of hazardous substances FOTMET" containing a database of 100 work procedures for determination of 360 hazardous substances by photometric method
  • identification of hazardous substances by FTIR method - identification of petroleum substances, measurement of diffusion reflectance, creation of own libraries and algorithms identification, etc .;
  • identification of hazardous substances based on physical and physio-chemical constants that can be easily determined in the laboratory - creating specific own program for searching for substances based on measured constants, such as boiling point, melting point, refractive index, density, etc.

Development of chemical measures for population protection

  • emergency concentrations of hazardous substances
  • assessment of radiation and chemical situation in accordance with the procedures of NATO member states
  • modelling of hazardous substances spread in operational accidents

Pedagogical activity

The aim of pedagogical activities is preparation, pedagogical provision and professional management of the retraining course "Accident with leakage of hazardous substances", accredited by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports.

Content of the retraining course "Accident with leakage of dangerous substances":

Hazardous substances

  • Definition of the term dangerous substance: legal regulations, Act No. 157/1998 Coll. and No. 19/1997 Coll.
  • Physical, physico-chemical and chemical properties of substances.
  • Main hazardous effects of hazardous substances in an accident: definition of the main hazardous effects, explosiveness, flammability, toxicity, priority hazardous effect, toxic properties of selected substances.
  • Expression of concentrations of hazardous substances: units of concentrations, toxicological concentrations, permissible concentrations, emergency concentrations.

Accident with leakage of hazardous substances

  • Characteristics of accidents with the release of hazardous substances: definition of basic terms, the most common causes, immediate consequences and phenomena, characteristic external manifestations, a brief description of the most important accidents.
  • Theory of the spread of hazardous substances in the air: the source of the discharge of hazardous substances, meteorological parameters, areas of lethal and injuring effects, the LEAKS program, the model of evaporation of volatile liquids from a liquid puddle.
  • Peculiarities of oil accidents: characteristics and properties of oil products, oil accidents on the water surface, oil accidents on the earth's surface.

Some measures to prevent accidents with release of hazardous substances

  • Types of preventive measures: importance and general division of preventive measures, external preventive measures, internal preventive measures.
  • Principles of dangerous substances transport: basic legal regulations, classification of hazardous substances and objects, labelling of means of transport, transport documents.
  • Labelling of hazardous substances: division of labelling systems, UN-system (orange warning label), warning signs, HAZCHEM code, DIAMANT system, R-phrases and S-phrases, some registration labelling systems.
  • Emergency planning

Chemical measures to minimize accident consequences  

  • Chemical survey and laboratory control.
  • Sampling and treatment of samples.
  • Use of personal protective equipment.
  • Hygienic cleaning and decontamination.
  • Liquidation of oil accidents.
  • Information security.
  • Further measures.

Radiation and biological protection

Radiation and biological protection

Main tasks:

  • Scientific research activity focused on development of methods of radiation measurements, mobile radiation research, radiological laboratory control and radioactive decontamination in the Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic and on measures of radiation and biological protection of firefighters and the population.
  • Pedagogical activities focused on teaching radiation and biological protection measures, measurements with portable dosimetric devices, deactivation and disinfection and standardized reporting on nuclear, chemical and biological attacks and their consequences according to NATO standards.
  • Expert and similar support activities for needs of the Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic in the field of radiation and biological measures.

Scientific research activity

  • Development of methods and means of radiation research, laboratory detection of radioactive substances and biological (bacteriological) detection in case of uncontrolled releases into the environment, attacks by weapons of mass destruction or terrorist abuse for needs of the Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic and protection of the population.
  • Development of methods and means of radioactive decontamination for needs of the Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic.
  • Evaluation of radiation and chemical situation in accordance with the procedures of NATO member states

Pedagogical activity

  • Preparation, pedagogical support and professional management of courses focused on radiation and biological protection.
  • Retraining course "Accident with leakage of hazardous substances", accredited by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports. The course is provided in cooperation with the workplace of chemical protection. Contents of the radiation part of the course: Fundamentals of physics of ionizing radiation. Quantities and units in the field of dosimetry and radiation protection. Significance of different methods of radiation and protection against radiation. Biological effects of ionizing radiation. General principles of radiation protection and their applications. Legislation in the field of nuclear supervision and radiation protection. Means of dosimetric technique and their use. Intervention management during local radiation events. Protection of the population and measures in case of radiation accidents at nuclear facilities. Practical measurements with dosimetric instruments.
  • Profiling course for members of the Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic "Radiation protection during fire brigades interventions ". The course graduates are trained to ensure radiation protection of the Fire Service members (employees) when performing interventions in places with danger of radiation from ionizing radiation sources, with the main focus on the principles of radiation protection of persons, conducting radiation research at the scene, on the regulation of the movement of persons in risk zones, on the main principles of radioactive decontamination of persons, equipment and armaments.
  • Four types of basic and advanced professional courses focused on standardized reporting and evaluation of radiation and chemical situation in event of an attack by weapons of mass destruction and similar means in accordance with the NATO STANAG 2103 standardization agreement.
  • Basic information on radioactive and biological (bacteriological) substances and methods and means of radiation and biological protection in other courses organized in the Population Protection Institute, especially those that are focused on crisis management, emergency planning and improving basic knowledge of members of the Fire Service of the Czech Republic.

Alert and Warning Notifications

Alert and Warning Notifications

Alert and Warning Notifications of citizens, Unified System of Warning and Notification

Main tasks:

  • scientific research in the field of alert and warning notifications of citizens and the Unified System of Warning and Notification (JSVV);
  • educational and information activities aimed at alert and warning notifications of citizens and the Unified System of Warning and Notification.

1. Scientific research activity

Main directions:

  • applied research into new technologies, methods and procedures to increase the level of warning and emergency notification of the population;
  • elaboration of methods of experimental tests and measurement of electronic terminal elements of JSVV;
  • proposal of principles and standards of information security in JSVV;
  • processing of documents into conceptual studies, methodologies and materials to support managers' decisions, etc.;
  • use of scientific research activities results in education and information services for a wide range of administrators and users of the JSVV and other persons involved in the alert and warning notifications of citizens.

2. Educational and information activities

Main directions:

  • implementation of specialization courses and instructional methodological jobs for JSVV administrators, administrators and operators of procurement terminals of all levels and other persons who perform the tasks of warning and emergency information of the population, especially in the conditions of JSVV;
  • information service in the field of warning and emergency notification of the population and JSVV for a wide range of entities.

Specialization courses are the basic framework of education and training of JSVV administrators and administrators and users of JSVV procurement terminals.

Currently, following specialization courses are organized:

  • Unified warning and notification system for system administrators / JSVV /;
  • Management of terminals of all levels for database administrators / SZTDS /;
  • Warning and notification from the terminal Centre for privileged users / VVZT-PU/
  • Warning and notification from the i terminal Centre for regular users / VVZT-BU /.

Instructional and methodical jobs are an extension of specialization courses and an extension of education and information service to other target groups. They ensure the implementation of the requirements for the permanence and timeliness of knowledge and skills and respond flexibly to the current needs of the field.

At present, instructional and methodical jobs are organized:

  • Methodology of activity of database administrators of all levels terminals;
  • Management of terminal databases for privileged users;
  • Receivers for JSVV administrators;
  • Improvement and retraining consultations for users of terminals;
  • Methodology of preparation and testing of common users of terminals;
  • Warning and emergency notification of the population for firefighters units
  • Consultations on the issue of warning and emergency notification of the population and JSVV for municipal authorities;
  • Practical exercises in providing warning and emergency notification in the conditions of the JSVV;
  • Warning and emergency notification in the conditions of the JSVV for pedagogical staff;
  • Technical requirements for JSVV warning end elements;
  • Work with the client of the SPARK system for the HZS ČR authorities.

Individual and collective protection

Individual (personal) and collective protection

This workplace deals with conceptual, consulting, but especially pedagogical and research activities in the field of individual and collective protection of the population.

The main tasks of the workplace

  • Scientific-research activity focused on testing of individual protection means, development of new means, solving issues of improvised personal protection and building of simple improvised shelters.
  • Pedagogical activities focused on teaching issue of personal protection equipment - their use, storage and treatment, teaching issue of collective protection - shelter fund, layout and design of individual shelters, technical equipment, use, maintenance and operation.
  • Consulting activities focused on providing information to natural and legal entities in the area of ​​purchasing suitable protective means and maintenance of the shelter fund.

 Scientific research activity

  • Testing of individual protective equipment focused on checking the functionality of existing equipment in terms of their natural aging, measuring the dynamic sorption capacity of small protective filters (DSK MOF) for selected industrial pollutants, measuring the resistance time of protective materials to combat poisons (BOL).
  • Elaboration of methodologies for testing individual protective equipment - child protective bags, children's jackets, protective masks, protective helmets, protective clothing and small protective filters.
  • Elaboration of methods for improvised protection of respiratory tract and eyes for selected industrial pollutants (PS).
  • Processing of documents for the development of new means of individual protection.
  • Possibilities of building simple improvised shelters for individual dangers arising from the use of combat poisons and nuclear ammunition during a state of war and during chemical or radiation accidents in peacetime.

Pedagogical activity

  • The aim of pedagogical activities is preparation, pedagogical support and professional management in courses for gaining professional competence, in courses within the initial training of members of the Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic, in specialization courses, in advanced courses and in supplementary courses it provides teaching in the following areas:
  • In the field of personal protective equipment (method of providing individual protection, distribution of individual protective equipment, possibilities of their use, method of their treatment and storage, the latest knowledge in this area, improvised personal protective equipment, practical training in the use of protective equipment, especially protective masks, protective clothing and ZPJ-80, examples of new means of individual protection),
  • In the field of collective protection of the population (method of ensuring collective protection, sheltering of the population, operation and maintenance of permanent shelters, demonstration of permanent shelters, the latest knowledge in this area, improvised protection of the population by shelter, building improvised shelters),
  • In the field of fire protection, the workplace participates in the teaching, in processing of teaching and educational materials for fire investigators.
  • It ensures preparation of equipment primarily in courses of theoretical preparation of personnel equipment for the provision of first aid, etc.

Certification of methodologies

Certification of methodologies

The certified methodology belongs to the category of Applied Results according to the definition set by the Government Council for Research, Development and Innovation. A Certified Methodology is the original result of research and development approved and recommended by the relevant certification body for practical use. The certification body may be a competent state administration body, or a relevant professional certification (accreditation) body.

More details on the evaluation of the results of research organizations, the evaluation of the results of completed programs, and the general conditions for the certification of methodologies can be found on the website of the Government of the Czech Republic (Home | Government of the Czech Republic (

Certification Commission of the Ministry of the Interior - General Directorate of the Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic

The certification of methodologies proposed for use within the Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic is provided by the Certification Commission of the Ministry of the Interior - General Directorate of the Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic.

The certification commission has the status of an expert commission of the Ministry of Interior - the General Directorate of the Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic. It mainly assesses professional content of methodologies, novelty of the procedures and the possibilities of usability within the Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic.

The result of the certification procedure is a recommendation of the Certification Commission to the relevant Deputy Director General of the Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic to issue an "Attestation of Methodology Certification " or a justified proposal to suspend or reject the application for methodology certification.

The basic conditions for granting the "Certificate of Certification of the Methodology" are the professional content of the methodology, the novelty and factualness of the proposed procedures, as well as an evaluation by two independent reviewers.

The Population Protection Institute provides organizational and administrative support to the Certification Commission.

Applicants for the methodology certification must submit the following documents to the Certification Commission through the Population Protection Institute:

  • application for methodology certification
  • affidavit
  • the proposed methodology
  • two elaborated reviews
  • agreement on the use of the methodology (required for methodologies whose expected usability is not within the Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic)


GIS - Central data warehouse

Main tasks:

  • Acquisition, management, verification and distribution of geodata for the Fire Rescue Service, IRS and TCTV 112 systems
  • GIS administration in NIS IRS
  • Providing data for needs of decision-making processes

Objective of the activity:

  • Maintain a unified data model
  • Processing of network and spatial analyses
  • Cooperation in creating and updating map projects and generating background maps for central applications
  • Creating applications to support GIS for individual users

GIS development:

  • Participation in development and innovative projects
  • Lectures (universities, professional conferences)
  • Improving and automating individual data management processes

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