Hasičský záchranný sbor České republiky  

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Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic – Organisation and activities

Fire and Rescue Service of the Czech Republic Organisational diagram
General Directorate of FRS CR General Directorate of FRS.jpgGeneral Directorate of FRSOrganisational diagram  
 Educational, technical and specialized establishments of General Directorate:
Emergency unit of FRS CR
The Fire Service College of the Czech Republic
Regional Fire Rescue Services
FRS of Capital of Prague
FRS of Central Bohemia Region
FRS of South Bohemia Region
FRS of Plzeň Region
FRS of Karlovy Vary Region
FRS of Ústí nad Labem Region
FRS of Liberec Region
FRS of Hradec Králové Region
FRS of Pardubice Region
FRS of Vysočina Region
FRS of South Moravia Region
FRS of Olomouc Region
FRS of Moravian-Silesian Region
FRS of Zlín Region 

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